and Context:

Our programs are designed for adult learners and as such they provide the flexibility required for students who are living busy lives often with multiple and competing demands.


This policy applies to students at ICA.


If a student finds they need to exit the program early (and not continue on towards graduation) they can apply for partial certification. This is dependent on the following:

  • ICA is notified within 14 days of them exiting the program

  • Fees have been paid in full
  • The student submits their Graduation Checklist showing all classes and hours completed and in a format that is editable by ICA (Excel, Word etc).

If a student finds they are not able to complete within their member period, they can apply for partial certification or request an extension (fees apply). This is dependent on the following

  • Fees have been paid in full

  • The student submits their Graduation Checklist showing all classes and hours completed and in a format that is editable by ICA (Excel, Word etc).


ICA Code of Conduct

If a student is unable to complete their program because they have breached the ICA Code of Conduct or other participation policies, then their individual participation and completion will be reviewed by the Training Director.  The issue of certification, if any, will be at the discretion of the ICA Training Director and dependent on the student submitting a Graduation Checklist, showing all classes and hours completed, and in a format that is editable by ICA (Excel, Word etc).