Your Graduation Checklist is a beginning to end list of requirements you must meet to be able to graduate from your program.  This document will guide you through your program requirements, and evidence your participation. 

Your responsibility as a student

  1. Download the Graduation Checklist before starting your program (located on course overview page)
  2. Document all attendance and course outcomes (must be typed, not hand written)
  3. Submit your checklist when you apply for graduation

Curriculum Updates
The ICA curriculum is regularly updated so that it includes, and reflects, the coaching industry's most current theories, trends and technologies. Most of these changes and updates happen within the existing structure (eg. same module topic but content delivered in class reflects current trends). But, occasionally the structure also needs a refresh and when that happens, we update the Graduation Checklists.

Notification of Changes

You can view a list of any changes that have been made to the curriculum structure via CoachCampus. We highly recommend you subscribe to this feed so you know the moment an update is released

Study Support & Updates | CoachCampus 

Updating Checklists
As an existing student, the majority of changes that will be made throughout your learning journey will be optional, and there is always a transition period. This means that there is no need for you to attend extra hours or resubmit any completed course work.

* In the case of optional or minor changes, you can just adjust your current checklist (using the information in CoachCampus as a guide). Or you can continue on your current path and complete according to the checklist you have.

* In the case of required changes, we will have advised you directly and will support you to map old to new.

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