Enrollment in a program, and fees paid, do not guarantee certification.  Each program has a set number of participation hours and milestones. All are requirements, however not all are assessed (scored).  


ICA Graduation is a process where student outcomes and participation are reviewed in the context of the program requirements and completion.

Certification is a statement of attainment issued by International Coach Academy to indicate a level of competency as assessed during their program participation and completion.

Assessments are evaluations that are reviewed and then scored. There are two types of assessments:
  1. Faculty Assessment
    The purpose of faculty assessments is to provide students with observations and evidence regarding their knowledge and skill level. They are intended to be motivating and should acknowledge the students learning journey and achievements. Unlike the feedback received during Mentor coaching or other practicum areas, this feedback is scored and students are provided with a competent or not yet competent outcome.

    Faculty Assessed milestones include Course Quiz's, Written Exam and Oral Exam.

  1. Self-Assessment
    Self-assessments are an opportunity for students to gain an awareness or understanding of their skill level, where their strengths are, and identify areas for improvement for further development. This is an ongoing reflective practice throughout the entire ICA program, and specifically in the following course areas.

    Self-assessed learning includes
     Peer Coaching Reflection, Mentor Coaching Reflection, Observed Coaching Reflection.

Assessment Policy

Allocation of Assessors

As with general best practice and educational philosophy, students are not able to choose their assessor or examiner for faculty assessed outcomes.  ICA Assessors are qualified and experienced assessors and have been equally trained and professionally developed by ICA for the purpose of the above evaluations.

In the case of work being determined as not meeting the following requirement, the following applies.

  1. Portfolio work
    All programs include portfolio work (e.g. create your own coaching model). These are assessed for uniqueness and are scored as such.  Should a student's work be scored as 'not unique' then they will have the opportunity to review, reference and if needed, resubmit.

  2. Oral exam
    Students whose oral exam is observed as not yet competent have the option to either resubmit or apply for a certification that better matches their competency. Further information is available in the Learnsite.

Graduation Application Policy

Students must provide their graduation checklist evidencing classes and labs attended and include additional program requirements such as portfolio work.   Information must be provided via the graduation application forms available in the Learnsite.  

Certification Policy

The issuing of certifications is at the sole discretion of International Coach Academy and is aligned with the ICF accreditation requirements.  Students will be required to pass certain minimum criteria, including but not limited to 

a) a number of training hours

b) a number of peer coaching hours

c) one or more examinations or assessment tests, 

d) demonstration of coaching at a required level or expertise

(e) participation in online discussion forums, and f) ethical conduct.

(f) demonstration of a coach approach and ethical conduct at all times within the 'virtual corridors' of ICA.  This includes in the classroom, in the forum and in communication with staff, volunteers and fellow peers or alumni

(g) Adherence to the ethical conduct guidelines as per ICA's code of conduct or the ICF's Ethics of practice policy.  

(h) all outstanding fees must be paid in full at least 2 weeks prior to the submission of their final evaluation. 

Your Graduation Certificate or Learning Status may at any time be revoked if in the opinion of International Coach Academy you do not meet the above criteria. In the case of your Certificate being revoked, your Licence to use the Material is also revoked, and your Fees are not refundable.