Performance Evaluation

Can I Fail Observed Coaching?
You can't 'fail' Observed Coaching.   But, to complete Observed Coaching you must attend all required sessions, and in the sessions where...
Thu, 22 Feb, 2024 at 4:44 PM
How to write a transcript
As part of your oral exam, you will be required to submit a transcript of the coaching session. The transcript should include at the top: your name ...
Wed, 10 Jan, 2024 at 2:07 PM
Observed: Can I reschedule?
It is not possible to reschedule for change of mind. However, in the case of illness, or exceptional circumstances, you can request your sessions be ca...
Tue, 28 May, 2024 at 1:09 PM
Observed: Can I record a 60min session and present as 3x20min sessions?
No. Observed Coaching is a process, not just an outcome.  The idea is that you will receive feedback, reflect, then coach again. So, sessions must be...
Thu, 25 Jan, 2024 at 12:44 PM
Observed: Can I choose my assessor?
It’s not possible to request a specific assessor or member of faculty for your observed coaching.  The scheduled assessors shown on the schedule are also...
Thu, 25 Jan, 2024 at 12:48 PM
Observed: What criteria will be used for feedback?
The ICF competencies and the ICF markers are both frameworks used by ICF Accredited schools and the ICF itself to determine coaching proficiency. However...
Thu, 22 Feb, 2024 at 4:46 PM
Observed Coaching Registrations & Variations
Observed Coaching is progressive learning and takes place over a period of time (5 weeks) in a cycle that allows for listening and feedback from a mentor...
Thu, 22 Feb, 2024 at 11:09 AM