Purpose and Context
International Coach Academy is committed to providing a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment. As such, it is expected that students and graduates observe expected standards of behaviour when participating in ICA programs or engaging with the ICA community.
As a student or graduate of ICA we expect that you approach your learning and community connections with values of honesty, respect, acceptance, responsibility, gratitude, and trust. This includes thinking the best and not the worst of your peers, Faculty and ICA's administrative team and acting with a "coach approach".
Expected standards of behaviour
Respect the rights of others
Respect the diversity of perspectives and opinions , regardless of economic status, race, colour, national or ethnic origin, language group, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or ability
Respect the confidentiality of others
Actively engage in productive discussions by staying on topic, asking thought provoking questions and asking for clarification when needed
Reach out to our support team if you have any questions, concerns or are feeling a bit “stuck”
If a student or graduate is observed acting out of alignment with the above policies, or is reported as acting out of alignment with the above policies, the following process will take place
The concern will be escalated to a member of the ICA Leadership Team
The Leadership team member will consider the allegation and invite the community member to attend a Learning Review*. Learnsite logins will be suspended pending the outcome of the Learning Review.
The student or graduate will have 5 days to respond, with the option to attend or not attend the learning review. The Learning Review will take place with or without the student/graduate. The student will be advised of the outcome.
Should there be a repeat instance of the member or graduate acting out of alignment with the above policies, or reported as acting out of alignment with the above policies, there will be a final review where the student's future in the program will be decided. This could result in the student or graduate being removed from the Learnsite, asked to leave the program, and their learning status revoked.
An example of student or graduate misconduct would be
Behaviour or actions that breach the ICA Privacy and Confidentiality Policy
Behaviour or actions that breach the ICA Academic Integrity Policy
Behaviour or actions that breach the Requesting Support or Assistance Policy
Behaviour or actions that breach the Ethical Networking and Business Building Policy
Misrepresenting learning or attendance (as per the Student Record Keeping Policy
Behaviour or actions that breach the Diversity and Inclusion policy
Attending classes or labs that fall outside the student's member area or permissions (breaching the Program Member Policy)
Behaviour that that is perceived by the ICA team to be disruptive, aggressive, intimidating, demeaning, or patronising
Recording classes, or publicly sharing conversations that take place in classes, or sharing/publishing content from the forum
Personal attacks, accusations or negative judgements directed at the support team
Actions or words that forcefully direct the support team to act outside of ICA policies or procedures
Attempts to use assumed or implied superiority to influence or direct the support team towards a desired outcome
Words or actions that result in the support team feeling unsafe, undervalued or depleted
The use of threats to influence a desired outcome or action